lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

Online Marketing to increase Brand

The Advertising and Marketing strategies will not only be online for the promotion of products or professional services, but also will affect the creation and development of brands by increasing their visibility in the internet as well as increased business involvement in social media where many brands have begun to take part actively and continuously.

The result of the sum of all successful marketing strategies can be reflected thanks to the analysis or comparison of trends of different brands. Trends that somehow show us their impact, popularity, relevance and visibility in the digital environment with a clear impact on real life.

Social marketing can promote your business multilevel. As network marketing relies on the interconnections between users, it is important that those who want to promote their products through social networks are able to hold conversations with fans, friends and others who read and answer their posts. Maintaining a constant upgrade of information, new trends and sales are very important for the success of your brand and simultaneously offering loyal consumers special offers and rewards to keep them motivated and faithful to the brand. Nevertheless, keeping the product fresh, creative and always offering something new to the consumer.

According to an article on retail advice, ( The Disney Stores, apart from proving the empire they have become, maintaining a competitive image and offer renewed products and ideas are essential for their business. Part of this process is introducing online services involving a social network were people can interact, comment, or play.

It is clear that many brands have benefit from branding online, and part of the success has been from innovation, creativity, but also the creation of social networks that have kept consumers and potential buyers interested in the product and demand for more.
Online marketing and branding will not guarantee the triumph of a product, it should be followed by the constant feedback from customers and a dependable advisor, and finally the responsible management of that information for the evolution of a brand.


What is the Importance of Consumer Behaviour? Is it really a study or a strategy?

In this Global, On-line world everything we think or say is a product of all the images we see everywhere telling us what should we buy, eat, wear, drink, ect. We have been programmed to consume and marketers and doing the magnificent job of analysing every aspect of our brain, but is it really to for a psychiatrical purpose, or a business strategy?

Let’s analyse the importance of the meaning of Consumer Behaviour: “Consumer Behaviour is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.”

Due to the study of consumer behaviour, companies have improved their marketing strategies by analysing issues such as: Psychology of how consumers thinks, feels, reasons and selects, the Influence of the environment, behaviour while shopping, decision making and consumers knowledge on processing information. All these data is important for marketers when thinking of their product, so that it creates a need for the consumer.

Although this study has helped firms and organizations analyse how we think, clearly for me it has become a complete business strategy. I recognize the fact that business are trying to be creative and not only sell products but an experience.
Consumers wants what best suits their necessities but are we really buying for the need or have we been brain washed by marketing campaigns?


viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

Internet news to news in traditional media

On April 28, 2010, Greyson Chance uploaded a video on YouTube of a presentation in April 12, which was performing the song "Paparazzi" while he played the piano in a talent competition for the school in Edmond, a suburb of Oklahoma City, and writes: "I performing "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga at Edmond's Sixth Grade Festival. I own no rights to this song." From the day that this video was published in this video stream browser, this child of 12 years has become the new Internet sensation and led him to become a celebrity. In just three weeks, this video posted on YouTube has been viewed 19157719 times and every minute increase the number of reproductions of it. Also, the amazing performance of this kid caught the attention of producers of "The Ellen DeGeneres Show." The boy was flown to Los Angeles to sing in the program and spoke with Lady Gaga, the singer told a Chance that was sweet and talented and she encourages him to follow their dreams.

Thus, I can say that the Internet is being used to practice relationship marketing strategies and create virtual communities around a brand or a product in which the participation of visitors is the most important in the communication process. Visitors are in the real meeting place where users share information with common expectations about the products that interest them.

All these features of digital media and its interaction with users also contribute, as is evident in the design and configuration of information. The media have lost exclusivity in the search for the news and now the citizens are also active in the creation process of the items.

As in this specific case and in many others, users themselves are the ones who determine that it is news or not.
Through the context in which they relate, discuss and analyze the topics that interest them and the ratings of each other are creating and developing their own information. On the web this whole process is simplified significantly, both in the process of publication as public dissemination of the relevant facts. In the forums, blogs and social networks people publish what they think is interesting. All that considered interesting share it with their contacts, discussed and analyzed with texts and images with all members of their community forum or, which is the same, with all members with whom they maintain relationships.

From this case, we can say that today is surprising as the news that appears on the Internet also become major news in the traditional media.

sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

What is e-marketing? Why is it important?

Now days, we can say that the methods of marketing have changed and improved in different ways, and we have become a lot more efficient to convey the message we want to our customers. E-marketing is the product of the meeting between new technologies that allows a modern communication and the traditional marketing (it’s principles that humans have always applied).

What is e-marketing? The answer to this question is very simply. E-marketing refers to the application of marketing principles and techniques via web, it includes both direct response marketing and indirect marketing elements and uses technologies to help connect companies to their customers. The, e-marketing is about all the activities that a company conducts via the worldwide web with the purpose of attracting new business, retaining current business and developing its brand identity.

Why is it important? When implemented properly, the return on investment that a company can do in e-Marketing can overcome the results of traditional marketing strategies. Knowing that e-marketing has to do with an entirely online, the Internet is a force that cannot be ignored. Since the availability of access 24 hours a day, Internet is a means to reach literally millions of people every year. It's the new redefinition of how companies can interact with your customers.