sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

What is e-marketing? Why is it important?

Now days, we can say that the methods of marketing have changed and improved in different ways, and we have become a lot more efficient to convey the message we want to our customers. E-marketing is the product of the meeting between new technologies that allows a modern communication and the traditional marketing (it’s principles that humans have always applied).

What is e-marketing? The answer to this question is very simply. E-marketing refers to the application of marketing principles and techniques via web, it includes both direct response marketing and indirect marketing elements and uses technologies to help connect companies to their customers. The, e-marketing is about all the activities that a company conducts via the worldwide web with the purpose of attracting new business, retaining current business and developing its brand identity.

Why is it important? When implemented properly, the return on investment that a company can do in e-Marketing can overcome the results of traditional marketing strategies. Knowing that e-marketing has to do with an entirely online, the Internet is a force that cannot be ignored. Since the availability of access 24 hours a day, Internet is a means to reach literally millions of people every year. It's the new redefinition of how companies can interact with your customers.

1 comentario:

  1. Ironically, emarketing represents only five per cent of the total ad expenditures spent and is expected to increase to eight per cent by 2010. According to the IAB&PWC, Internet advertising revenues in the US totaled over 12.5 billion for 2005 increased nearly 34 per cent over 2004, which is of 9.6 billion. The Internet advertisement in the US is estimated at $ 15 billion for the year 2006. Forrester Research forecast Internet based sales to touch $329 billion in 2010.

    The concept of eMarketing is picking up globally. More and more advertisers are spending their ad budgets online rather than offline. Over the years, Internet has evolved as a medium for lead generation since the online usage has gone up significantly. With the technology sophistication, effective targeting can be achieved for an online campaign. Internet has emerged a powerful channel over TV, Print, Radio, hoardings, etc for marketers to reach out to potential consumers. Technology being the backbone of e-marketing acts as a powerful tool to track the campaigns.

    Therefore, I believe that as technology continues to grow at the pace we are currently, emarketing will be the primary way that most companies will choose to get their names and products across.
