lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

What is the Importance of Consumer Behaviour? Is it really a study or a strategy?

In this Global, On-line world everything we think or say is a product of all the images we see everywhere telling us what should we buy, eat, wear, drink, ect. We have been programmed to consume and marketers and doing the magnificent job of analysing every aspect of our brain, but is it really to for a psychiatrical purpose, or a business strategy?

Let’s analyse the importance of the meaning of Consumer Behaviour: “Consumer Behaviour is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society.”

Due to the study of consumer behaviour, companies have improved their marketing strategies by analysing issues such as: Psychology of how consumers thinks, feels, reasons and selects, the Influence of the environment, behaviour while shopping, decision making and consumers knowledge on processing information. All these data is important for marketers when thinking of their product, so that it creates a need for the consumer.

Although this study has helped firms and organizations analyse how we think, clearly for me it has become a complete business strategy. I recognize the fact that business are trying to be creative and not only sell products but an experience.
Consumers wants what best suits their necessities but are we really buying for the need or have we been brain washed by marketing campaigns?


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